2014년 6월 6일 금요일

Considerations for the Design of CALL Programs

Considerations for the Design of CALL Programs Emily Chen’s articles was so organized and comprehensible that I could understand them very easy. Among them, it was Considerations for the Designs of CALL Programs that interested me. The first thing is about Pedagogy First and Technology Second. I absolutely agree with it. When teachers hold demonstration classes, they use too much technology. I think excessive use of technology prevent students from concentrating on learning. We have to focus on learners’ need and learning objectives first. And then, we have to consider what kind of technology we should use in our classes to achieve learning aims. As we know, there are many kinds of important factors that I should consider before using computer-assisted learning materials. In addition, they have to be attractive and fun to help students have interest in learning. So I try to connect fun and learners’ need with learning. I was impressed by his words: the true creativeness of a learning program must come from the pedagogical side. It means literally that they are computer-assisted learning. I try to use technology properly to understand and practice today’s objectives. Actually, I use only a few useful programs I am used to and it is easy to manipulate and I usually use them when I make my students practice drills. From now, I will search them comprehensively and use them to motivate my students to enjoy learning as applying for CALL program design principles.

댓글 1개:

  1. Good reflection. Indeed, the most important part of educational technology is the 'education'.
